World of tanks blitz best tanks
World of tanks blitz best tanks

world of tanks blitz best tanks

If it's a good sidescraping tank (and not all heavies are good sidescrapers), look for good opportunities to sidescrape (e.g. If it has a strong turret, look for spots to go hulldown. Use the terrain to take advantage of the strengths of your tank. If you are in a peek-a-boom situation, reset your camo behind hard cover while you reload. Wait for the right opportunity to hit the reds without being hit back. doing 400hp against a med that can only hit you for 200hp). Don't push out into the open until you are reasonably sure that you won't get nuked.Īvoid trades, unless it is clearly in your favour (e.g. In a mobile heavy like the 53TP, that usually means get to the "usual" frontline, stay next to good cover, and wait for some reds to be spotted. I think you have answered your own question, really.īe patient while you don't know where the enemy are. The m48 patton seems like a tank I would like to play, but I'm not sure and need some help deciding what line to grind. Going off how I like to peek-a-boo I'm looking at the m48 patton line which I've heard has good turret armour, moblilty and DPM. (I also want a good tier x to play sometimes, I think the IS-7 might be better because I like higher alpha and I use my side armour and turret alot to peek and hide). I need a new line to grind, and alot of recommendations recommend the IS-4/IS-7 lines, but I don't know which lines are better atm.

world of tanks blitz best tanks

I need a line to start on the side, I have started the chinese medium line because I heard good things about it and right now I'm at the t-34 but the rest of the line looks like there are too many upgrades which looks boring to me. Then I got to the KV-1 then didn't want to grind it stock and KV-2 stock, so then I started the polish 60tp line which I've gotten up to the tier 8 (currently stock). My first tank line was the Jagdpanzer E100 line, I got up to the tier 8 and quit because I wasn't good at sniping and playing TD's at a higher tier and it didn't have a turret.

World of tanks blitz best tanks