Darkest dungeon shamblers alter
Darkest dungeon shamblers alter

darkest dungeon shamblers alter darkest dungeon shamblers alter darkest dungeon shamblers alter

To fight the Shambler you need to use a torch on the altar and the fight will begin immediately. Ancestor's Scroll Ancestor's Tentacle Idol Ancestor's Map Ancestor's Candle Ancestor's Bottle The Shambler can be encountered by location a Shambler Alter curio piece which randomly spawns in any of the games dungeons. These trinkets are - Ancestor's Coat Ancestor's Handkercheif Ancestor's Lantern Ancestor's Mustache Cream Ancestor's Musket Ball Ancestor's Pen Ancestor's Pistol Ancestor's Portrait Ancestor's Signet Ring The other five trinkets are obtained by defeating a mini-boss enemy called The Shambler. These can be quite difficult and I find aiming for 90% room clears is much more manageable than doing 100% of room battles. Nine of the trinkets are given as rewards for completing a dungeon mission, so far I have only ever had them offered to me as a reward for completing Lv.5 Long missions. There are 14 Ancestor Trinkets in the game.

Darkest dungeon shamblers alter